To us, “helping other people ecolonomically” means fostering the establishment of community systems that are both sustainable and profitable. HOPE for the hopeless is a program that equips you with the skills and knowledge you and/or your group need in your endeavor to teach a community to feed itself. We work together with you and residents in the given community to design a sustainable food system that fits the local geography, resources, and culture. HOPE for the hopeless is committed to effective, long-term action. We intend to have trained, passionate people on-site for as long as they are needed.
Our mission statement pledges to empower those in need rather than entitle them. Whatever methods our projects implement are only as sustainable as their sources, and we know that the individuals in the community itself are the most capable actors in efforts to improve local health and nutrition when given the right tools. Every community is different and thus projects vary accordingly, but this mantra of empowerment is at the heart of every HOPE project.
Looking to the past, we know that ideas and framework are not enough, and that significant time and follow-through are key to effective work. This is why with history in mind, we look to the future. We do not simply drop off food and consider a box checked. We take on projects committed to fostering sustainable knowledge to feed people for generations to come–entrepreneurs who make it their business to feed the world. Today’s commitment to action becomes tomorrow’s success story.
We know never to underestimate the importance of context. Just because one type of food or food production method works in one location does not mean it will work in another. Culture, along with local climate, native ecology and other specifying factors determine the appropriate sustenance and technology for a given project. Bringing corn, wheat and cattle everywhere in the world is not the answer, it is not ecolonomic. We want to help establish systems that will work to feed the local people.
The entire HOPE process starts at home. We are looking for sponsoring organizations that want to learn about and engage in sustainable practices that work on a number of different levels–from backyard to community. We want to share hands-on experience and knowledge that will yield organized and effective project implementation. If you or your organization are interested in learning how to create urban gardens, grow food at home affordably, use aquaponic technology, alternative waste production technology, or worm culture compost production, HOPE offers this instruction and much more. Whether you have a project in mind or one currently under way, don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can make the world a better place, and we can help.